move through the game with your own running motion . . .

Saturday, 3 January 2009

What is a healthy number of steps?

You decide to set yourself a New Years resolution - to get in shape, but where to start?

I guess the smart thing to do would be to look at what activity you are currently doing and imrove it right?

Scouring the net I came accross an article, by Dr. Catrine Tudor-Locke, which divided people into groups using the number of steps a person does. The classification of pedometer-determined physical activity in healthy adults:

1) Under 5000 steps/day may be used as a "sedentary lifestyle index"

2) 5,000-7,499 steps/day is typical of daily activity excluding sports/exercise and might be considered "low active."

3) 7,500-9,999 likely includes some exercise or walking (and/or a job that requires more walking) and might be considered "somewhat active."

4) 10,000 steps/day indicates the point that should be used to classify individuals as "active".

5) Individuals who take more than 12,500 steps/day are likely to be classified as "highly active".

Now the question is, which group do you fall into......?

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