'Mario Strikers Charged Football' features everyone's favorite Nintendo characters all psyched up and eager for the win. Despite being a challenging game the controls are easy to grasp and the aim is obvious, just score more goals than your rivals. Playing this game with the jOG works nicely, which ever player is selected/has-the-ball is the one who needs you to jog to make them run down the wing, dribble past defenders, or retreat to defend the counter attack.
'Eledees' is a game that makes excellent use of the Wiimote as a gravity gun. This enables you to lift and throw objects and furniture as you search around for the Eledees--small creatures who sap electrical power. I found this game incredibly fun, and the addition of the jOG really enhanced the experience. As the clock ticks down to zero the hunt for every last Eledee becomes increasingly frantic as you run about and try to zap the critters you've uncovered.
Both of these games are fast, fun and well worth trying with the jOG.